If you want your lawn to be the envy of the neighborhood, you need a well-maintained Stihl lawn mower. With regular maintenance, you’ll have an efficient machine that’ll have your lawn looking spectacular in no time. Get ready to transform your humble lawnmower into a mighty yard grooming companion! Here are some hot tips to keep your lawn mower roaring and scorching with performance.

How to do Routine Maintenance on a Lawn Mower?

Change the Air Filter:

Breathe in what you're about to hear! Give your mower's engine a breath of fresh air with a new air filter. Replace it annually or after 25 hours of mowing to keep your engine safe from dirt and debris. Regularly clean or replace the air filter to ensure optimal performance. A clogged filter restricts airflow, making it harder for your mower to breathe, and can lead to reduced power and increased fuel consumption. Show some love to your mower's lungs, and it will thank you with a greener, healthier yard.

Change the Spark Plug:

Give your lawn mower a spark of life with a new spark plug. It'll light the fuel and air mixture in the cylinder and get that engine roaring again. Over time, spark plugs can become fouled or worn out, resulting in poor performance. Regularly inspect and clean the spark plug, or replace it if necessary, to maintain optimal ignition. Change it annually or after 25 hours of operation. A well-sparked engine will effortlessly glide through your grass, leaving behind a beautifully manicured yard. 

Check Your Oil:

Keep your mower engine lubricated with clean oil by changing it frequently as per the manufacturer's recommendation. Regular oil changes are vital for the longevity of your machine. Over time, oil can become contaminated with dirt and debris, causing unnecessary wear and tear on your engine. Keep an eye on the oil level and change the oil if it's dirty or contains contaminants. Check your mower's manual for recommended oil types and change intervals. Trust us, your mower will reward you with a smooth, trouble-free performance.

Sharpen the Blades:

Give dull blades the boot! Start by examining the blades for dullness or damage. Dull blades tear the grass instead of providing a clean cut, leaving your lawn vulnerable to disease and discoloration. Check the blades for chips, cracks, or bends; sharpen them using a file or send them to a pro if need be. 

Clean Your Lawn Mower:

A clean machine is a happy machine! Give your garden workhorse the spa day it deserves. Remove the debris and grass clippings, then rinse it down with a hose. While you're busy mowing, your mower's deck is getting caked with clippings and debris. Cleaning the deck regularly prevents clogging and ensures an even cut. Give your mower's deck a thorough scrub after each mowing session, and your lawn will thank you with a healthier and more vibrant appearance.

If you are unable to perform the cleaning process, you can avail lawn mower servicing from your nearest store in Caldwell, Texas

Your lawnmower is a beast, but with proper care, it’ll keep scorching through your lawn year after year. With clean air filters, new spark plugs, fresh oil changes, razor-sharp blades, and good, old-fashioned cleaning, your lawn mower will cool and perform like the champion it is. So, go ahead- keep your lawn mower roaring and scorching your lawn! 

For more about purchasing or servicing your lawn mower in Caldwell, Texas, contact 979-567-7777